Seeing a Testanera (black-headed) heron in our area is extremely rare

This animal constantly and determinately searches for the place where it can establish its home and when it finds it, it remains there for a long time, regardless of the changing climate and the succession of the seasons.

The flight of the heron is slow and majestic

The heron waits still for its prey and maintains its position.
The stillness is only apparent because in the meantime it is preparing itself incessantly.
So when the time is right, the heron is ready.

Seeing a Testanera (black-headed) heron in our area is extremely rare

This animal constantly and determinately searches for the place where it can establish its home and when it finds it, it remains there for a long time, regardless of the changing climate and the succession of the seasons.

The flight of the heron is slow and majestic

The heron waits still for its prey and maintains its position.
The stillness is only apparent because in the meantime it is preparing itself incessantly.
So when the time is right, the heron is ready.




After a long aging in the bottle, Testanera Riserva 2016 Brut is born.
It is a Riserva with an extraordinary complexity and a gustatory and olfactory elegance.

It is a rare Franciacorta wine, just like the heron from which its name comes from and the vintage that gave its life.




After a long aging in the bottle, Testanera Riserva 2016 Brut is born.
It is a Riserva with an extraordinary complexity and a gustatory and olfactory elegance.

It is a rare Franciacorta wine, just like the heron from which its name comes from and the vintage that gave its life.

The story of Testanera began in 2016 in Franciacorta, on the slopes of Monte Orfano

In early April, the vines started to sprout, as always.

In May the weather has changed and temperatures became more rigid. For this reason, the plants have dropped their flowers in order to defend themselves and survive.

The pouring has affected the grapes, whose skin has become thicker. Since the aromas are concentrated in the skin, Testanera has the privilege of naturally having a first olfactory richness.

The story of Testanera began in 2016 in Franciacorta, on the slopes of Monte Orfano

In early April, the vines started to sprout, as always.

In May the weather has changed and temperatures became more rigid. For this reason, the plants have dropped their flowers in order to defend themselves and survive.

The pouring has affected the grapes, whose skin has become thicker. Since the aromas are concentrated in the skin, Testanera has the privilege of naturally having a first olfactory richness.

In August, the Franciacorta area further demonstrated that it is exceptionally suited to viticulture

After mid-August, when the harvest was approaching, the season brought the vines a second gift: strong temperature variations..
Thanks to this, the berry was able to seal all the aromas synthesized during the day at night.

The nature in the vineyard has enriched Testanera with extraordinary aromas and scents.
The harvest is done strictly by hand in small boxes. In this way, the grapes are preserved by early and uncontrolled fermentation due to the weight of the must.

Season after season Testanera has changed, rounded and softened

The wine rested in the cellar well beyond the time that the specification provides for Riserva wines.
During the month of August the must is conveyed in the tanks for the first fermentation, and then the wine is bottled in May when the second fermentation took place.

For almost 72 months Testanera seemed motionless, but it was only appearance because during this period the yeast was giving the Riserva wine its features and perlage.

In the meantime we carried out another manual operation called bâtonnage that gives even more richness to the wine. Once per month, a cellar master took the bottles one by one and turned them from side to side. In this way the constantly suspended yeast has not stratified or sedimented, and has released precious compounds.

Season after season Testanera has changed, rounded and softened

The wine rested in the cellar well beyond the time that the specification provides for Riserva wines.
During the month of August the must is conveyed in the tanks for the first fermentation, and then the wine is bottled in May when the second fermentation took place.

For almost 72 months Testanera seemed motionless, but it was only appearance because during this period the yeast was giving the Riserva wine its features and perlage.

In the meantime we carried out another manual operation called bâtonnage that gives even more richness to the wine. Once per month, a cellar master took the bottles one by one and turned them from side to side. In this way the constantly suspended yeast has not stratified or sedimented, and has released precious compounds.

After 60 months, Testanera had not yet exhausted its aging potential

Immersed in the darkness and silence of the cellar, the wine followed its journey in contact with the lees for another year. It has continued to change, has been enriched with fine aromas, has acquired volume and thickness.

A long and important wait that continues beyond the disgorgement. Before being ready for sale, Testanera still took some time to complete itself and rebuild its balance.

After 60 months, Testanera had not yet exhausted its aging potential

Immersed in the darkness and silence of the cellar, the wine followed its journey in contact with the lees for another year. It has continued to change, has been enriched with fine aromas, has acquired volume and thickness.

A long and important wait that continues beyond the disgorgement. Before being ready for sale, Testanera still took some time to complete itself and rebuild its balance.

At the end of its slow and majestic journey, Testanera arrived at the tasting ready to strike the imagination of the enthusiast

We can perceive many sensations, all different from each other. When we are looking for one of them, we can find a hundred more. We try to divide them and they multiply.

The scents that can be perceived are white flowers, mango, ripe pineapple; a richness of aromas which is typical of the Chardonnay grape and which evolves into fresh and ripe fruit, even tropical.
Then dried fruit is perceived, which is typical of long-aged Chardonnay wines.
Perfumes and aromas chase each other, they change during the tasting, it is difficult to separate them, to give them a name.

Complexity, finesse and elegance

The elegant and very fine bubbles are a result of the mannoproteins released by the yeast in suspension. They intensify these sensations, trigger an explosion of taste and give breadth and volume to the glass.
A surprising freshness, despite the long aging.
A perfect balance between softness and acidity.

This is the essence of Testanera: it overflows in every glass, but slowly releases its incredible potential. Because a Riserva wine always takes its time, even to win us over.

Complexity, finesse and elegance

The elegant and very fine bubbles are a result of the mannoproteins released by the yeast in suspension. They intensify these sensations, trigger an explosion of taste and give breadth and volume to the glass.
A surprising freshness, despite the long aging.
A perfect balance between softness and acidity.

This is the essence of Testanera: it overflows in every glass, but slowly releases its incredible potential. Because a Riserva wine always takes its time, even to win us over.

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